Thursday, January 18, 2007


OK, I am feeling really, really fragile this morning.  After a 'quick' after work pint on Tuesday - you know the type, genuinely starts out with the best of intentions, and quickly turns into 15 pints in 3 hours...!!! - i was feeling quite delicate yesterday.  Unfortunately, doing it all again last night, and getting 3 hours sleep have made me really really really jealous of those people that don't feel like this!

Everything seems to be taking about 5 times longer than it should - this post for example has so far taken about 10 minutes because my hand eye co-ordination has gone to pot, I'm tired, I'm hungry and i want to go to bed!

So anyway, one of the great things about London is the randomness and ability to physically go off on tangents...more of this another time, i can't do this right now, i promise to try harder tomorrow.....

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