Nothing below is meant to be personal, or identifiable, and is without prejudice.
I took a new job a few months ago, I didn't need to, it was a luxury, it was a move driven by pure greed to step up a level, and earn more was a shit time, and still is, to change jobs, but at the time, it was the right, I thought, thing to do.
Time is a great thing to have on your side, unfortunately in this day and age, it is not that easy...anyhoo, I digress.
So, I took my new job, it's a tough environment everywhere at the moment, and people are fucking stressed out, and have turned from reasonable, respectful people into a bunch of bullying, vindictive fucking cunts, who are backstabbing fuckers with no respect or knowledge. Fuck this feels good to release!
So the job starts, and seems to be going well, as time ticks by, it becomes clear that something that has been set up before the new team has arrived, is a bunch of shite, and needs some serious wonga to sort out...imagine you spend a huge amount of cash doing something (a respectable house in London!), and due to time constraints, you do the job half arsed. Now imagine when the new shiny thing launches, and shortly after, your, yes your, fuckup is pointed out, and it's going to take the same cash again to sort out, do you:
a. Hold your hands up, admit your mistake, move on
b. Conduct a review, conclude that something is missing, get on with sorting it out
c. Turn into a pathetic, small excuse for a human being
d. Become a cunt
e. None of the above
Guess the answer, hint - it aint a, b or e...
The new team now feels bullied for trying to clear up someone else's fucked up is that situation?! It's cunting unbelievable. I am not amused. I am seriously now worried, for the first time in my career, about my job security, something in the current climate I do not need...part of me would love to turn around and tell them to go fuck themselves, and stick their job so far up their arses that they choke. Don't get me wrong, there are some good guys, but there are a big proportion of cunts out there as well! I am being actively bullied out of my job, it feels, and we really do feel victimised, and hard done by. If there are any employment lawyers out there who want to help when (not if!!!) I am told to fuck off by these imbeciles, it would be great. Unfortunately we don't feel that we can have any sort of without prejudice chat, as the overwhelming feel is of collusion, back stabbing and sneaking around. It's fucking horrible.
This is all without prejudice. Me venting my frustration on a Friday. I am clearly fucked off. Nothing here is meant to offend, and everything is without prejudice.
Why the fuck do we do it? It's fucking selfish, there are people starving, and dying in the World, and we are caught up in ourselves so much, that my fucking pain, is a concern...let's face it it's not, but why do I keep doing it? I'm a victim of the system...fuck this, I want to do something that I enjoy, life is precious, the reason I am doing this is to support a family, and in 20 years, they'll be doing the same - perpetuating the fucking horrific....why, why, why, I am losing all focus for this, fuck it, we're all a bunch of cunts - look at yourself in the context of the World, and tell me you're not, I know I am, I want to be better!
Fuck me!
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