Thursday, November 15, 2007

6 of the best poke.....

...r related cufflinks!

So, it always amazes me just how quickly Christmas always creeps up on me. I know it's coming every year, and I know when it is! It just suddenly seems that it's here! Walking down Oxford Street last night, the lights are on, the weather is cold, and people (grrrr, annoying crowds!) are out shopping in force.

As you probably can tell, I'm not a huge fan of crowds. Or shopping. As a result, I've fallen headlong into a, so far, lifelong affair with the internet. OK, it may not be an affair, and I know we both have other interests, but f*ck buddy doesn't sound so poetic.

Right, I'll get to the point. I have, as many people do, an interest in poker. I think my family have cottoned on to this, and suspect that those shiny parcels I am hoping I've been good enough to get this year, will have in some poker related goodies.

What might they be, I hear you ask? Well, I've been banging on about cufflinks a bit at home recently, so had a quick look to see whether there are any nice cufflinks out there - this is what i've found:

1. Dunhill have a nice pair of chips cufflinks, they are quite pricey though, but having recently found dunhill do this sort of thing, I presume the quality will be excellent.

dunhill cufflinks


2. Next is another dunhill creation, this time they are lovely looking cards, the marketing spout says they're made from sterling silver with rhodium plating, whatever the f*** that is!

3. At the other end of the scale from the first 2, we've found these bad boys. Considerably cheaper than the dunhill ones, they look good in the photo, and are cheap. I'm not sure getting 8 aces is going to go unnoticed around the table though!



4. From the same site come the Ace of spade cufflinks - not sure I like these as much as the others, but they are simple and cheap.



5. Next on the list we move sites to find some poker chip cufflinks. These have a bit more colour than we've seen so far, but could be fun. At under a tenner, these could be a good present this Christmas for a secret santa thing in the office!?!



6. Finally on this list, we have the kings and aces cufflinks. These have good detail on the cufflink, and I'm sure would complement any shirt.



So, that's our list of 6 of the best. I like these cufflinks, but am hoping if I had to choose a single pair, to get the ones first in this list. Yes,. I know they are £155 but they look really good, and they seem to be built to last. Father Christmas, if you are reading, can I please have a pair?

What do you think of these?

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

I've got my long legs out...

I'm tall.  At 6' 4" (about 1m90) I'm not *that* tall, just taller than average.  I am in proportion, and therefore come equipped with longer than average legs.

Why is it then, that I feel discriminated against when asked to do certain things? 

Driving cars is becoming easier, as taller consumers are catered for, I have however never driven an early mini, or managed to get my hands on a supercar - although Jeremy Clarkson seems to get in (just) to these things, it's simply not practical in some cases for everyday use.

Another example is flying, and this is one which really does wind me up - every time I fly.  Every. Single. Time.

I will research some seat pitches (or one of you lovely readers may be able to help!), however understand that the trend is an increase over the last few years, I believe it has reached a staggering 31" on BA longhaul flights in economy. Seat pitch indicates (I think!) the distance between the rows of seats - a measly 31" to fit my long legs in for a 10 hour flight is, imho, totally unacceptable, cattle gets more space when flying!

Each time I check in for a flight, I ask whether there is any chance of getting a seat with slightly more legroom, to which the normal response is a flat out no, with the exception of recent offers of being 'allowed' to pay for a bit more room. 

Emergency exit seats tend to be the ones with more legroom, these seats never used to be assigned until travellers were physically at the airport, and the check in staff could assess their ability to open the exit in the event of an emergency, now apparently the safety of other passengers on the plane could be at risk in the event of an emergency, because someone with more cash - not necessarily fit to open the door - has 'bought' the right to a particular seat.

I always make the effort the arrive early, and to check in as soon as possible the day before, when the online check in opens, however it is becoming more and more frustrating that people are given the option of buying this space, as opposed to placing people who cannot physically get their legs in to the meagre space in coach.

When 'sitting' in these seats, I am forced to either ask the person in front to put their seat up, or put my legs out in the aisle - when I normally get hit several times by the trolley!

Fat people are, in extreme cases, asked to purchase 2 seats to accommodate their bulk, however I've been unlucky to be next to one that has not - again, this could be construed as a physical discrimination in that the seats are not fit for purpose - where the issue is deemed medical.

I want action, I need your help as I am not sure the best way to go about this, but come on, we're in the 21st century, and I can't get my legs in a plane seat - the Disability Rights Commission do not, at present, cover air travel, and the airlines will not be interested. 

Another issue is the rude inhabitants of London (I live in London but do not consider myself to be rude!), when on the tube - fine, you read your newspaper, screw the people who are trying to get on the tube (which they've paid a small fortune for, thanks Ken!), or when they do get on, why not just stop. Idiots.

What do I do, who can help me get heard....?  Or of course, you can always donate moeny to me so that I can afford to fly in business.... ;-)

Monday, August 20, 2007

Transfers soon!

A couple of weeks into the season, and things are not looking that good with my team at the moment.  The transfer window opens up later this week, I think, and with injuries to Ledley King and Freddie Ljunberg (and Sol Campbell, but he should be back in action at the weekend), I am looking to make a couple of transfers.

So far, the team has performed ok, although the shock poor start to the season by Manchester United, has not helped, with the goal keeper making mistakes, and Ronaldo getting himself sent off, I have learnt that the transfer window is closed for the first week!  After a strong-ish start (about 10th in my superleague, and in the top 90,000), I suffered a bit following the weekend games, and currently sit on 48 points, with 3 goals - which sees me fall to somewhere between 25-30 in my chosen superleague, and 143000ish in the overall competition.

I'm going to have to make some transfers, but don't want to waste these so early in the season unless I absolutely have to, Ronaldo for instance will not get me any points whilst he is suspended, but will get me points over the season - if he behaves himself!  I will take the hit on the non-earning for this time, and not waste 2 transfers to get him back in a cpouple of weeks.

Who should I get in to replace King and Ljungberg?

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Get over it, and get on with it!


Sheffield United are to sue West Ham for the cost of their relegation from the Premier League.

The Blades were relegated after the Premier League opted not to dock West Ham points for fielding an ineligible player in Carlos Tevez.

Sheffield United have estimated the cost of their relegation at between £30m-£50m.

A spokesman said: "After discussion with legal advisors, we will be seeking substantial compensation."

The Blades recently failed in their High Court bid to force the Premier League to take disciplinary action against West Ham.

Sheffield United took their case to the High Court after an arbitration panel rejected their claim against the Premier League, who failed to deduct points from West Ham over the transfers of Tevez and Javier Mascherano.

Instead, the Hammers were fined a record £5.5m by the Premier League.

The Blades claim West Ham gained an unfair advantage by signing an illicit player in Tevez.


OK, so this has been going on for a while, it's been ruled on by the premier league/fa - the chaps that make the rules, that all clubs have an input to, and everyone has signed up to the law that they dictate.  They were not happy with the response.  It was taken up a level, they were not happy with the outcome, as it was not in their favour.

Come on, get on with it, you are a football club, surely the best way of getting back into the premier league is to do a good job on the field, if you had done that last season, perhaps you would not have gone down.  At the end of all of this, over the course of a season, you were not good enough to stay in the top flight, and as such went down.  Don't bitch fight other clubs, the buck stops with you, shut up and play football.  If you don't get back to the premier league this time around, who are you going to blame? West Ham? Carlos Tevez? Tay Zonday? It seems almost immature, shoulder the blame, play better football, get your message out through the medium of football, not moaning off the field.  Football is full of prima donna idiots, with egos the size of a city - at the end of the day, the majority of these people get paid stupid amounts of money to play football, the least they can do is earn their money - don't go bitching about it Sheffield Utd, you did not play well enough over last season, if you had played better in any of the 38 games you had to do so, you would not need to resort to this, and you would just get on with playing, and trying to avoid relegation once again this season.

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Fantasy Football - Season Long help required

OK, so yet again, I am entering a fantasy football league at work.  The rules are standard Telegraph fantasy football, £50m budget, 30 transfers for the season, no more than 4 within a week (I got caught out with this one at the end of last season!).

I have picked the team below to start, and want to throw open the floor to any experts out there.  As an incentive, should my team finish in the top 3 positions of our league at the end of the season, I will award a prize to the most successful contributor, over the course of the season, as judged by me.  All you need to do, is let me know where the good players are at, how they can fit into my team, and updates on injuries.

I will update this site with all movements in and out of the team, and publish comments/suggestions for all to see (let me know if you do not want to have your suggestion made public - all comments are moderated prior to publishing).

Until tomorrow, I think there is an amnesty on transfers, so I can make as many as I like til then - who do you think is going to be starring in the premier league next year? Let me know?


Wednesday, August 01, 2007

BA Fined, hannibal, face and murdoch called as witnesses

I ain't getting on no plane, you crazy fool!

News is being reported that the fine that BA have been handed for 'fixing' fuel costs with Virgin, have reach £280m, after the US DoJ fined them an additional $300m.

Virgin 'grassed' up BA, and have been left out of the case, and we understnad that this could now go to a criminal investigation, as the civil case ends.

OK, BA have been found guilty, Virgin have escaped the focus, and the fines, for the part they played, but there will be almost £300 million changing hands - where does this go?  Will this get back to the pockets of the people who overpaid as a result of the price fixing, we suspect probably not - rough justice....what do you think?

Friday, July 27, 2007

Page rank v life

OK, there's a blog I read as often as I can, looking to pick up tips, but also I like the style of writing.  The blog belongs to Dean Hunt (, and he is pushing a campaign against the focus on pagerank - in a slight twist, jumping on the bandwagon should help increase pr, and get some nice fat backlinks.  Now I guess I'll have to start thinking about something to do with all this new found traffic.  Yeah right?!!! 

Before I drop the list of participants below, I want to see if I can start a campaign to get the Bonobo song to number one, let's see if we can't make it as annoying as the crazy frog...!

Buzz Marketing Blog

Young Entrepreneurs Blog

No Nonsense Business Advice

Sell your blog

CS Developer

Aplliance Journal

Madkane Humor Blog

Find New Leads


UK SEO Directory

Bikinifigur: Abnehmen ohne Hunger

Bob Meets World

BlueJar Webmasters Guide

All Sux Dot Com


The Next Post

Tech Blog

Reality Wired

Tom Wilson Google Blog

Price Filter

a few loose screws

Clickon Web Design

Woody Maxim

Crystals Quest

What Simply Works

Affiliate profit center

Internet Marketing Blueprints

Cash 4 blogging

Hits USA

Wendy Haney

Sheterk Marketing

How To Build a website blog

The Block Party

Ezinet Global Marketing

Best Online Earning Strategies

Online Security Authority

Alternative Healing

That’s what i’m talking about

Web Urbanist Media and Art

Fundraising Ideas


Money Spinning

Blogging at Flixya

Blogging Tips

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

more bloody idiots!

so now it is the turn of royal mail staff to go on strike. Again.  Honestly, this type of industrial terrorism, bully tactics, whatever you want to call it, is absolutely sickening.  I don't think I get paid enough, so I ask for a pay rise - I still go to work, and if they say no, I'm a bit pissed off, but generally you either get over these things, or move on. 

'Public services' like the royal mail are a monument of times gone by.  There is uproar when there are rumours that the government will bail them out of astronomical debts, it's own staff are pushing against any element of change, what hope have the post office got?

If companies, people anything did not change, and evolve, we would still be living in caves.  Evolution is vital - imagine 10, 15, 20 years ago at work, now look at your desk.  Things have evolved.  People have evolved.  Skills have shifted.

Computers were once the enemy, the public thought that computers would be brought in to replace people and they would be left without jobs.  Has this happened? No. 

Yes, there has been a skills shift, but as this happens, computers have helped companies to evolve.  Look at the difference between HSBC 20 years ago, and today.  One of the biggest banks in the world, making some of the largest annual profits in the world, but still have a huge workforce.  People will always be needed.  Whether they are needed to sweep the floor, or make sure that the robot that is weeping the floor is working.

Moving back to the royal mail, 20 years ago, things in this country were very different.  How many of you had sent an email?  How many of you had penpals when you were younger, that you sent letters to?  Schools encouraged this sort of thing, it was a 'healthy' pasttime, unlike the youth of today, but that's a different topic!  With the progression of email, people have stopped sending as many letters.  The postal delivery market has been opened up.  It is time for the Royal Mail to be allowed to operate as a business.  It's employees need to realise that they cannot hold the company to ransom, in the long run this is likely to harm them more.  Change, adapt, go with it, step out of your comfort zone, move on - the world has!

Friday, July 13, 2007

The Bonobo Song - it'll stick in your mind!

The Bonobo Song

The Bonobo Project is a SpeciesAlert/SpeciesCreative initiative to raise awareness for the Bonobo Chimpanzee.

At the heart of the campaign is a song and accompanying music video from spoof band "The Bonobo Beat". Hoping to reach a wide audience and highlight a serious issue through music and comedy, we have made "The Bonobo Song" available for download on iTunes, and additional products - such as mobile phone ringtones, a karaoke video, and interactive toolkits enabling people to re-record or remix their own version of the song – are available for download from our website. 50% of Net profits from these sales will be donated to Wildlife Charities.

The video is available to watch for free on YouTube:

…or to find out more about "The Bonobo Beat" check out their myspace profile:

For further information on our organization, please visit:

Bonobos are the most endangered of the great apes and are found solely in the Democratic Republic of Congo where there are only about 10,000 left. Bonobos share 98% of their DNA with humans, and are unique in that they do not fight amongst themselves, which is why they are sometimes referred to as "the good apes". It is predicted that without our help - Bonobos could become extinct in the next decade this is due to a combination of habitat loss, and hunting for bush meat. The civil war in the DRC, which has been ongoing since the 1990's, has added to this problem.

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Wednesday, July 11, 2007


Found the following story on the Yahoo site - how stupid would you feel if this was you?  Have you ever done anything like this to make a prat of yourself? Leave a comment!

LONDON (AFP) - A man flew all the way from Canada to Britain for a friend's wedding -- then realised he was a year too early, the self-confessed "berk" told BBC radio.

David Best sent friend David Barclay an email at the start of 2007 which mentioned his wedding date of July 6.

Despite receiving no invitation, and thinking it was a bit odd to have a wedding on a Friday, expat teacher Barclay nonetheless booked his flights and jetted the 5,600 kilometres from Toronto to Cardiff.

"I booked my ticket, paid 500 pounds to fly into Cardiff, got the old suit cleaned, the goatee trimmed, the head shaved -- I was going to be the belle of the ball," Barclay said.

"I called his mum to find his number and then I called him up and I said, 'When and where is this wedding? It's in a couple of days and I'd just like to know where I'm going.'

"He said to me, 'Mate, it's not this year, it's next year. 2008 not 2007'."

Only then did a whole list of other strange occurrences start to make any sense.

"I called his mum up and she didn't mention it at all. I didn't get an invitation, it was just on an e-mail and I mentioned it to a friend we're both friends with and he didn't know what I was talking about," Barclay said.

"All these things came together and I thought, 'Oh no, you berk.' I'm a year early and my mates are loving it, aren't they?

"At least it has assured me a mention in the speech next year, I reckon. Same time next year -- I'll be there."

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Something fishy with the choice of weapon...


Disregarding the old adage 'never bring a fish to a sword fight', two assailants broke into a man's trailer and attacked him with a swordfish snout in eastern Australia early Wednesday, leaving the victim with cuts to his arms, back and hands, police said.

The victim, who was not identified, claimed the two suspects broke into his home in the eastern city of Bundaberg, Queensland. They then proceeded to assault him with the serrated, sword-like bill, state police said.

Paramedics treated the man for his injuries.

Dug out...

...from an old email, a break from specific things that piss me off....what pisses you off?


Only in Britain... can a pizza get to your house faster than an ambulance.

Only in Britain... do supermarkets make sick people walk all the way to the back of the shop to get their prescriptions while healthy people can buy cigarettes at the front.

Only in Britain... do people order double cheeseburgers, large fries, and a diet coke.

Only in Britain... do banks leave both doors open and chain the pens to the counters.

Only in Britain... do we leave cars worth thousands of pounds on the drive and put our junk and cheap lawn mower in the garage.

Only in Britain... do we buy hot dogs in packs of ten and buns in packs of eight.

Only in Britain... are there handicap parking places in front of a skating rink.

3 Brits die each year testing if a 9v battery works on their tongue.

142 Brits were injured in 1999 by not removing all pins from new shirts.

58 Brits are injured each year by using sharp knives instead of screwdrivers.

31 Brits have died since 1996 by watering their Christmas tree while the fairy lights were plugged in.

19 Brits have died in the last 3 years believing that Christmas decorations were chocolate.

British Hospitals reported 4 broken arms last year after cracker pulling accidents.

101 people since 1999 have had to have broken parts of plastic toys pulled out of the soles of their feet.

18 Brits had serious burns in 2000 trying on a new jumper with a lit cigarette in their mouth.

A massive 543 Brits were admitted to A&E in the last two years after opening bottles of beer with their teeth.

5 Brits were injured last year in accidents involving out of control Scalextric cars.

In 2000 eight Brits cracked their skull whilst throwing up into the toilet.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

grubby people...

So, in a temporary change of tack, I've been asked to post the following, which has apparently been making it's way around the online marketing world today:

"Next year we'll reintroduce affiliate marketing but as it should be, as opposed to affiliates as they were" said Nick Robertson, ASOS CEO. "(There'll be) no silly commissions being paid to grubby little people in grubby studios growing income at our expense, getting in the way of genuine sales" - Nick Robertson, CEO of ASOS
 (printed in NMA, 08/03/2007)...

The opinion seems to be that this company are not only offending (and being quite rude!) the very people who helped this company grow to what it is today, but are shooting themselves in the feet for the future.  We know all publicity is good publicity, but there is some room in business for some basic respect for your partners still...isn't there?

Discuss.  We want <I>your</I> rants for a change!

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Valentines day....

So, Feb 14th is with us once again, a day which is worth something incredible like £2.5 billion...think of all those cards, and unnecessary gifts for a single day.

We're keen advocates of recycling, and believe one of the best ways to address this is to stop sending cards.  I'm sure that all the men out there would be keen supporters of this, but we have to keep the fairer sex happy, and they are completely sold on valentines day.  Sure, you will hear the 'let's not make a big deal', 'I don't want a card, it's just commercial' and all that, but sure enough, if you do not get her a card, and spend some money, she'll think you don't love her, you'll spend more time grovelling, sleeping in the dog house, being continually reminded of it for years to come yada yada yada.

It's a challenge to every man out there, let's stop this valentines crap, and spread the £2.5 billion to other places where it could be used more constructively.  Who needs to be told when to be romantic? If everyone that buys a valentines card needs a day to be romantic, then what is the rest of the year like?  There are children starving in this world, there are people sleeping outside in this crap weather, there are people suffering from diseases which cannot be cured.  Come on people, if even 1% donated their money to charity instead of buying cards, that could make a real difference to people all over the world, £25 million is a significant amount - imagine if 10% did it!  Of course, this is not the only benefit, imagine with all this money not being spent on cards, production would (eventually) need to be cut....leading to some environmental benefits as well.  This is a great idea, and I look forward to your comments.  Men, women, aliens, what do you think?

Also out in force today are the umbrella nazis - it's pissing it down out there, and people in London become even more slefish when they have an umbrella.  It is clearly not the umbrella owners responsibility to look out for other pedestrians, and if/when they take someones eye out it will clearly not be their problem.  Come on all inconsiderate people, take a minute to think about what you're doing, and other people!

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

I ain't getting on no plane, you crazy fool!

So, over the last few days/weeks you'll no doubt have heard about BA staff wanting to strike, over a dispute about pay and sickness.  With cabin crew taking an average of 22 days sick each year (more than a working month!!!!!!), BA have tried to clamp down on this, which seems fair enough.  Without getting too much into the detail, this just seems so wrong.

We feel, and this may be a bit controversial, that the actions of the BA staff, and the unions representing them is akin to terrorism.  With the World seemingly fighting a 'war on terror', determined to not show weakness with terrorists acting all over the globe, no-one wants to give in to their demands. 

According to, terrorism is:

1.the use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce, esp. for political purposes.
2.the state of fear and submission produced by terrorism or terrorization.
3.a terroristic method of governing or of resisting a government.

We know terrorists are taking aggressive actions to draw attention to the plight, put the news on any day, and chances are there will be another story.  Living in the UK we are fortunate enough to live in a respectable, free, democratic society.  Other countries are not so lucky. 

The actions of BA cabin crew, encouraged by their unions, has been shocking, and in our opinion wrong.  If you are not happy with something in your job, do you not go to work one day.  Chances are that if you didn't, you'd get some unwanted disciplinary action aganst you, and/or be fired.  However in the BA situation, it's mob rule.  Just because 8,000 of the 12,000 (from memory) staff voted to have a few days off to try and bully BA into giving in to their demands. 

BA are trying to run a business, and pay their staff to do a job.  The unions in this case, and with support from their members, have instigated strike action, because they didn't get their own way, basically sticking 2 fingers up and saying without us, you cannot run your company, give us what we want, or we won't do the work (but presumably they still wanted paying for the days they were going to be striking!).  Yes, this hits BA where it hurts, but is it right - NO!  If BA cave in and give in to all demands without question, they find themselves in an impossible situation, which sets a bad precedent for future demands.

Imagine these principles applied to what the media would call terrorists.  If a government (or BA) gave in to terrorist demands (or the cabin crew) once, everyone would see this as a successful way to ensure their demands are met.  This is bad, BA cabin crew be ashamed of yourselves, this is a huge case of bullying...


Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Snow way?!

It's lovely, snow is great, and makes everything look good.  However, there is a problem, not just with snow, but with weather in general.

One of the favourite pasttimes of people in this country, is to bemoan the unique climate we have here.  If it's hot, people want it cooler, if it's dry, people want some rain and so on, never happy some people! 

So today, one of my favourite things, well, weather wise - snow!  It's fantabulous, everything is peaceful, I was awake at 5 this morning and noticed it had snowed, and was still snowing.  It's not like it used to be, and we're not going to ski on it, but hey, it's better than nothing!

Anyway, stuck in the office now, eventually!  One thing this country cannot cope with is any extremes, if it more than drizzles, blows a gentle breeze or rises above about 20 degrees, the transport infrastructure goes belly up. Why? No one really knows, what does it mean? The people using public transport seem even more self absorbed, selfish and rude than normal, and any teeny tiny element of common sense has gone out the window.

I had to wait for 3 different trains today, before I could get on one.  Normally this wouldn't be a problem with the people on the train, rather the train companies not being able to manage their customers.  But today, with the disruption caused by a sprinkling of snow ( n.b. not on the tracks!), there were some particularly stupid w@nkers out today, including one guy who (and the people on the train could see me fuming at this!) was completely oblivious to the 30 people crowded into the vestibule, and stopping more people from getting on (probably another 4/5 people coiuld have got on).  If I had managed to get on this train, I think I'd have been in work about 30 minutes earlier!  This guy typifies one big issue I have with commuting in to central london, I wish I had the thought to get a photo of this chap, and 'shame' him!  People are just so bloddy selfish, in the metro ( at the moment, there seems to be people discussing ladies applying makeup on trains - I have no problem with this, if they are considerate of those aropund them.  I have a bigger problem with idiots who continue to try and read their paper when there is clearly no space to do so (i read the metro on the platform, it's rare i get to do it on the train).

Commuters seem so caught up in actually getting on the train, they are 'in the zone', they forget common sense, decency and basic respect.

Most people  moan about work when they get there, take the opportunity to grab 5 minutes extra fresh air, and see the snowy beauty, wait for the next train!

Come on people, we're all trying to get to work, let's be sensible about this.  If anyone from the protest group regarding rail travel is reading this, leave a comment, I want to help!

So, frustratedly, belatedly and irately, I am left, once again, by my fellow londoners, in a foul mood at the start of a work day - why, oh why, do we do this....?

Monday, January 22, 2007


...we read with interest about the protest group formed to act against rail congestion during rush hour...excellent, we will update the details later on...

Thursday, January 18, 2007


OK, I am feeling really, really fragile this morning.  After a 'quick' after work pint on Tuesday - you know the type, genuinely starts out with the best of intentions, and quickly turns into 15 pints in 3 hours...!!! - i was feeling quite delicate yesterday.  Unfortunately, doing it all again last night, and getting 3 hours sleep have made me really really really jealous of those people that don't feel like this!

Everything seems to be taking about 5 times longer than it should - this post for example has so far taken about 10 minutes because my hand eye co-ordination has gone to pot, I'm tired, I'm hungry and i want to go to bed!

So anyway, one of the great things about London is the randomness and ability to physically go off on tangents...more of this another time, i can't do this right now, i promise to try harder tomorrow.....

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

The List!

OK, continuing the rant-a-thon, I am going to start a closely related topic, 'the list'!

Everyone has had bad experiences which they want to share with people, rather than doing anything illegal or immoral, hit companies that don't live up to your expectations where it hurts - tell people.  Although all press is good press, enough accounts of poor customer service, or missed appointments or rudeness about a company could save a single person from embarking on a relationship with a company that won't treat them right!

But, it's not only bad, there are some really great companies that will go that extra mile to make sure you are a happy customer, we want to know about these as well!

Before we get too involved, I would like to point out that this topic is personal opinion, and is not intended to cause any offence.  Any issues with the content, please contact us to discuss.

Leave comments, or email, with your experiences (good or bad), and we will publish as much as possible.

OK, without further ado...

* St. James' Homes - BAD...full details to follow, although I am 'hoping' to proceed with Legal action, so cannot go into details at the moment.

* o2 - after years of being really pissed off at the crap service, I requested something through their website this week, and not only did I get a same day response to my email, but the response covered everything I needed, and my new sim will be with me shortly - I know they're only doing their jobs, but after past experiences have set my expectations soooo low, it's nice for them to be efficient!  Good Job!

More to come soon, give us your examples as well....